Photos of Love

Thursday, December 28, 2006


I made this card to send out to all my family and friends.

How this works:

  1. You send me 1 of your Favorite pictures
  2. You will pick 5 color
  3. Give me all the info to be placed on there (birthdays, Anniversavys, Holidays)

What happens when I am done:

  1. I will send you a thumbnail of the of your card
  2. You tell me if you like it or if you would like to see it changed
  3. You pay me with paypal
  4. I will send it to the Photo Lab of the store you pick
  5. Then go to the store and pick up and pay for your Announcement

Stores: Wal-mart - 19 cent each and can be pick up in an hour

CVS - 19 cents each but did not say they will be ready in an hour

Walgreens - 19 cents each for and hour or more

I make all Announcements to be 4 x6 if you would like anything different please just ask.

I WILL NOT work with Copy righted © info at all.

**I also can make these Announcements for a new house, just moved, Birthdays, Graduation

Price $6.00


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